This inspection is for home sellers who would like to be completely informed ahead of time on the current condition of their property and will be the same exact quality inspection as those we perform for potential property buyers

As a house seller your number one priority is maximizing profit from your investment and there are numerous good reasons you should consider investing in a pre-listing home inspection. This will be a detailed and unbiased third party breakdown of your property’s current state. Your buyer’s inspector will be searching for the exact same items we will be, so a pre listing home inspection is a great way to avoid any unexpected surprises that could potentially slow the sale of your lovely house. Furthermore, if you choose to provide a pre listing inspection report to a potential buyer, it is highly likely to offer them next level confidence in your transparency about your home’s current condition and dedication to honesty and integrity.

We’ll provide you with the most detailed house inspection possible, with even more than the Texas Real Estate Commission’s 600+ required report components and a variety of high-resolution photographs. The report will be easy to read and understand, so you can see exactly what we have seen.

Our goal is to provide an unbiased understanding of your property’s current condition to aid with negotiations about recommended repairs and therefore agreement on a fair price, and a quick, painless sale of your home.

Following the inspection, you will receive a comprehensive home inspection report that clearly shows exactly what has been inspected and each component’s current condition. We will then recommend appropriate repairs, which you can use to discuss with the buyer if you choose to do so. We are here to assist with any of your follow up questions and provide quality, well-informed advice. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with our services and that you have made a wise decision to ensure your new home is sold to maximize profit.

Since 2018, Chris O’Toole of Just In Case inspections has been helping his customers buy and sell houses with 100% confidence.

Chris has over 12 years of experience in the Real Estate Industry, and has been proudly inspecting homes in the DFW area since 2018. He is licensed and insured in the state of Texas as a Professional Home Inspector, # 22073 (Texas Real Estate Commission). Our company has E & O (Errors & Omissions), Professional Liability, and General Liability insurance for your protection.

If you’re are considering a pre listing home inspection for your property, contact Chris O’Toole of Just In Case Home Inspectors at (940) 783-2199, or today to book your home inspection appointment.

Appointments are available 7 days a week, including evenings, weekends, and public holidays.